Thursday, July 14, 2011

My FirstPost on Blogger

What inspires you to workout?  Is it to become a role model for someone?  Or, has someone been a role model to you, and you want to follow them?  Whatever the reason, find the internal motivation to make exercise a habit each and every day.  It doesn't need to be an hour long workout.  Start out slow and work your way up to 30 minutes or more each day. 

What forms of exercise do you like?  Not a runner?  No problem!  There many other forms to try such as walking, biking, swimming, aerobic classes, basketball, soccer, volleyball, etc.  Whatever raises your heart rate for a period of time, and is fun for you, will be the best form of exercise for you.  Just get moving and you'll feel a lot less stressed while feeling more energized!

~ "Your workout today is your health insurance for tomorrow."  Author unknown